Welcome to my website/ePortfolio.

About Me

Welcome to my ePortfolio! My name is Ken Rescsanski, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology from the American College of Education. With 13 years of teaching experience, primarily as a middle school orchestra director, I have developed a deep passion for fostering meaningful learning experiences.

My professional journey began with a performance degree from the Eastman School of Music, where I honed my skills as a double bassist. Today, I continue to perform professionally while exploring the intersection of education and technology. My goal is to leverage my background in music education and instructional design to create innovative, learner-centered solutions.

Outside of work and academics, I enjoy spending quality time with my wife, two young sons, and our two cats. Summers are a special time for our family, as we love vacationing on Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire—a perfect place to relax and recharge.

This ePortfolio showcases my journey, including academic projects, design samples, and reflections on instructional design and technology. I invite you to explore my work and reach out if you’d like to connect—I’m always open to new ideas, collaborations, and conversations!