Welcome to my website/ePortfolio.

Welcome to my Instructional Design ePortfolio

Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio, where I showcase my work, learning journey, and passion for creating impactful instructional experiences. As a dedicated educator with 13 years of experience in music instruction and a passion for instructional design, I’m excited to share how I create meaningful learning experiences.

About This Portfolio

This website serves as a digital portfolio to showcase my academic progress, instructional design projects, and reflections on media and information literacy. It’s a space for sharing ideas, connecting with others, and demonstrating my professional growth.

Frost, M. (n.d.). Laptops on a table [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/laptops-on-a-table-Zv9Oh0dnDBs

Media and Information Literacy

Media and information literacy is the ability to critically evaluate and ethically use media and digital resources. This skill is essential in instructional design for creating credible, engaging, and learner-centered content. To learn more, visit UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy Overview.